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Tomato-Free Ketchup (No Tomato, Low-Amine, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Vegan)


French fries and tomato-free (gluten-free, low-amine, soy-free, vegan) ketchup

I make exceptions with my amine allergies here and there. Ketchup is one of those things. I know I ought to not use ketchup because of the tomatoes (and because it’s probably been sitting on a shelf forever, building amines), but I love it so much. I figure it’s high time I make myself a low-amine substitute ketchup. This no-tomato ketchup is gluten-free, vegan, soy-free, and low-amine. Enjoy this tomato-free ketchup recipe!

Also, I’m happy to report that I had a batch of my no-tomato ketchup frozen for a couple weeks. I just thawed it, and it thawed PERFECTLY. You can make it in large batches and freeze it in week-sized portions!

1 C fresh cranberries

1 large pears (or mild apples), peeled and cored (about 1 C)

2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped (about 1 C)

1 C water

1 tsp ascorbic acid

1/4 C sugar

1 Tbsp salt

1 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp allspice

1/8 tsp ground cloves

  • On medium low heat, cook all ingredients together, covered, in a small pot for about 15 minutes.

Tomato-free ketchup ingredients: pear, carrot, cranberry photo

Tomato-free ketchup ingredients: pear, carrot, cranberry

  • Once all the no-tomato ketchup ingredients are well softened, remove from heat.
  • Use an immersion blender or food processor to blend the tomato-free ketchup ingredients together. Process until very smooth.

Tomato-free ketchup blended with an immersion blender photo

Tomato-free ketchup blended with an immersion blender

  • Store in your fridge, and freeze any you won’t get to in small batches. It thaws perfectly and is just as good thawed as fresh!

AMINE BREAKDOWN:Very Low Amine: pear/apple, carrot, water, ascorbic acid, salt, onion powderLow Amine: sugarVery High Amine: cranberry, allspice, ground clovesNOTE: For those of you who live in places where cranberry is not available, a reader did some experimenting and said this:
“I live in Australia and haven’t been able to find Cranberries in any form. I made this recipe using rhubarb instead of cranberries and it tasted pretty good. The rhubarb I had was stewed so I omitted the cup of water but if it hadn’t been I would have left it in still. The rhubarb was unsweetened of course so the sugar I added was the only sugar.”