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Garlic Broiled Brussels Sprouts



Garlic broiled Brussels sprouts, served with Quinoa Salad, Cilantro chutney, and Baked chicken marinated in pear, sage, and ginger.

This simple, easy side dish is delicious and quick. It’s nice to have some fast low-amine recipes that can be cooked quickly and set aside to keep warm – especially when you have other things that need to go in the oven. I cooked these garlic Brussels sprouts before putting pear-marinated chicken drumsticks in the oven, and they were still warm when the chicken was served a half-hour later.

1 lb Brussels sprouts

2 tsp garlic powder

2 tsp safflower oil

1/2 tsp salt

  • Preheat oven to broil, with the rack at the top.
  • Wash all Brussels sprouts and cut in half lengthwise, and put into a large bowl (a thick glass bowl is best).
  • Drizzle oil and seasonings on top, and toss well until everything is well coated.
  • Lay on a cookie sheet, cut-side up.
  • Broil for about 5 minutes, or when they start to char.
  • Serve immediately, or put back in the “tossing bowl,” cover with foil, and wrap the whole bowl in a towel to keep it warm.


Very Low Amine: Brussels sprouts, garlic powder, salt

Low Amine: safflower oil