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Chestnuts and Brussels Sprouts (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan, paleo)



Chestnuts and brussels sprouts plated with chestnut puree (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian)

If you can eat bacon or prosciutto, for the love of god, crumble some up into this recipe. Use the bacon fat as flavoring. It would be marvelous. However, as with most of us low-amine eaters, that’s not a possibility. I am still pondering ideas on how to make a fake bacon that won’t be full of amines, but that’s a story for another day. For now, a simple, easy recipe.

10 brussels sprouts, halved

6 chestnuts, quartered

1 Tbsp safflower oil

5 chestnuts, pureed

1/2 C rice milk

3/4 tsp sugar

Salt, to taste

Black pepper, to taste

Chestnuts and brussels sprouts (photo)

Chestnuts and brussels sprouts

  • Puree 5 chestnuts until very fine. Add sugar and rice milk, and continue processing until smooth. Pour chestnut puree into a small ziplock bag, seal, and set aside.
  • Heat cast iron skillet to medium with oil. Add brussels sprouts, face down. Cook until browned, then toss. Continue cooking until almost done, about 5 minutes.
  • Add salt, to taste.
  • Add chestnut halves and cook (toss/stir as needed) until chestnuts are heated through.
  • Grab serving plate. Snip tiny corner piece off the chestnut puree bag. Pipe a pattern onto the plate (or just serve sauce on the side in a small ramekin, if desired), then stack brussels sprouts and chestnuts on top.
  • Crack fresh pepper over the top and serve.


Very Low Amine: brussels sprouts, rice milk, salt, black pepper

Low Amine: safflower oil, sugar

High Amine: chestnuts

Featured on Cybele Pascal