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Baked Low-Amine BBQ Chicken Breasts (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, tomato-free, nut-free, low-fat, low-carb)

Dsc 1016

Baked Low-Amine BBQ Chicken Breasts (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, tomato-free, nut-free, low-fat, low-carb)

Low-Amine Baked BBQ Chicken (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, tomato-free, low-fat, low-carb) served with baked sweet potato and stir-fried cabbage (photo)

Low-Amine Baked BBQ Chicken (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, tomato-free, low-fat, low-carb) served with baked sweet potato and stir-fried purple cabbage.

This basic recipe requires you to have made the low-amine BBQ sauce in advance. I usually make mine in big batches and freeze them in one-cup servings in Ziplock bags for later use. Chicken breasts are versatile and work very well with the low-amine BBQ sauce. It’s a great easy meal that requires very little work (sauce-making aside).

2 large, skinless chicken breasts

1/2 C low-amine BBQ sauce, divided (1/4C , 1/4C)

2 Tbsp safflower oil

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Lay chicken breasts down in Pyrex pan.
  • Slather chicken breasts with 1/4 C low-amine BBQ sauce
  • Drizzle oil over the top.

Low-Amine Chicken with BBQ sauce and oil (photo)

Low-Amine Chicken with BBQ sauce and oil

  • Bake for 30 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.
  • Optional side dishes: small/medium sweet potatoes can be tossed in the oven straight on the rack to cook with the chicken and should be done about the same time. Purple cabbage was stir-fried simply with safflower oil, salt, garlic, and pepper.
  • Broil for about 5 minutes to brown the top of the chicken and sauce.

Baked and broiled low-amine BBQ chicken, ready for slicing (photo)

Baked and broiled low-amine BBQ chicken, ready for slicing!

  • Warm up remaining 1/4 C low-amine BBQ sauce

Low-Amine BBQ Sauce (photo)

Low-Amine BBQ Sauce

  • Remove from oven, cut chicken into slices and serve with BBQ sauce drizzled over the top.


Low Amine: skinless chicken breasts, low-amine BBQ sauce, safflower oil


47.606209 -122.332071Published in:

on April 16, 2012 at 9:11 pm  Comments (18)
Tags: Bake, Barbecue sauce, BBQ, Chicken, Cooking, food, Gluten-free diet, recipes, tomato-free

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