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Low Amine Mojito

Cocktail Shaker

Low Amine Mojito

Summer drinks aren’t the same without fun choices like ber, cider, tequila, rum, scotch (my favorite), and whiskey. As someone allergic to amines, I am left gin (which I’m *actually* allergic to, so can’t have) and vodka. Needless to say, I now drink a lot of vodka. I’m working on tweaking some summer classic drinks and making them into delicious low amine alcoholic beverages. Round 1: Mojitos. Drink!

2 oz vodka

10-12 mint leaves

1 Tbsp brown sugar

Juice of 1/2 lime

5 oz club soda

1 C crushed ice if you have it, cubes if you don’t.

Cocktail Shaker

Cocktail Shaker

  • In the bottom of a cocktail shaker, grind mint leaves together with the brown sugar.
  • If using crushed ice: Add crushed ice, vodka, lime. Muddle.
  • If using cubed ice: Add vodka, lime. Muddle. Add ice, put lid on and shake.
  • Add club soda and pour through cocktail shaker’s strainer (or use a spring-bar strainer) into a tall glass.
  • Garnish with a mint leaf and wedge of lime.

AMINE BREAKDOWN:Low: vodka, club soda, lime, brown sugar, mint47.606209 -122.332071Published in:

on August 18, 2011 at 10:39 am  Leave a Comment
Tags: alcohol, cocktail, low amine drink, low amine mojito, mojito, mojito recipe, vodka, vodka mojito, vodka mojito recipe

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