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Savory Roasted Squash (low-amine, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, nut-free, tomato-free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian)

Dsc 0842

Savory Roasted Squash (low-amine, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, nut-free, tomato-free, paleo, vegan, vegetarian)

Savory Roasted Squash (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, nut-free, paleo, vegetarian, vegan) photo

Savory Roasted Squash (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, nut-free, paleo, vegetarian, vegan).

This squash is easy to make and has a huge flavor payout. I like using Kabocha Squash because the flesh is a great balance between creamy and firm, and the skin is soft enough to eat. However, a friend pointed out that many places coat the skin with a film of Idon’tknowwhatthef*ckitis to protect it from bugs and to extend shelf life. Proceed with squash skin-eating with caution (once it’s cooked, you should be able to tell if you pick at the skin and it separates into the skin and a waxy film).

1 Kabocha Squash, cut in half and seeded

2 Tbsp soy-free butter substitute

2 Tbsp savory

2 cloves garlic, pressed

4 Tbsp fresh minced parsley, divided (1,1,2)

2 C broth

1 tsp salt

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Cut and seed Kabocha squash, and place them in an oven-safe pan large enough to hold both squash, cut-side down.
  • In the hollow of each squash, add 1 Tbsp “butter,” 1 Tbsp savory, 1 clove pressed garlic, and 1 Tbsp fresh minced parsley. Rub all seasonings together and into the hollow.

Low-Amine Kabocha Squash, with measured seasonings (photo)

Low-Amine Kabocha Squash, with measured seasonings.

  • Flip low-amine squash cut-side down.
  • Add salt and 2 Tbsp parsley to the broth, and pour into the pan.

Kabocha Squash, ready for roasting. (photo)

Kabocha Squash, ready for roasting.

  • Cover and bake squash for 30-40 minutes, or until tender.
  • Serve with extra broth ladled over the top.


Very Low Amine: Kabocha squash, savory, garlic, parsley, salt

Low Amine: soy-free butter substitute, homemade broth


47.606209 -122.332071Published in:

on April 5, 2012 at 6:41 pm  Comments (16)

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