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Carrot Ginger Dressing (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free)

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Carrot Ginger Dressing (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free)

Low-amine carrot ginger dressing (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free) photo

Low-amine carrot ginger dressing (low-amine, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free)

This low-amine carrot ginger salad dressing has a nice zest to it and adds a lot of body and flavor to a salad without adding much fat. It’s a unique, flavorful combination that makes for a nice addition to many salads.

1/2 lb carrots (3 medium), roughly chopped

1/2 C fresh ginger, peeled & chopped

1/2 C shallots, peeled & chopped

2 Tbsp pomegranate juice

1/2 tsp sesame oil substitute

4 tsp soy sauce substitute

1/3 C water

1 tsp maple syrup

2 tsp ascorbic acid

1/2 C safflower oil

1/4 tsp salt

  • Pulse carrots in a food processor until almost pureed.
  • Add shallots and ginger, and continue processing until finely minced.
  • Add all other ingredients and blend until smooth (2-3 minutes).
  • If too thick, thin carrot ginger dressing with more water.

AMINE BREAKDOWN:Very Low Amine: carrot, ginger, shallot, water, ascorbic acid, saltLow Amine: pomegranate juice, maple syrup, soy sauce substitute, sesame oil substitute, safflower oil

47.606209 -122.332071Published in:

on February 19, 2012 at 8:14 pm  Comments (24)
Tags: carrot, Cooking, dressing, food, ginger, recipes, salad dressing, Sauce, Shallot

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